Masturbation is safe sex! Daily masturbation
reduces stress, makes your heart stronger and prolongs
No these are not headlines from the medial journal
of medicine but imagine if they were.
From the point of view of safety alone, it could be
argued that masturbating is not only healthy, but it
could actually save your life!
I love masturbating - it makes me feel more
sexual and therefore better about myself.
Speaking about myself, and every single person I
speak to, I could not do without masturbation.
Sometimes for the sake of play with a partner is
away on a business trip, we institute a "no
masturbation period" whilst we are separated.
The longest I have been able to last without
masturbating was 4 days but don't ask me how I felt
during that period: Anger, frustration,
impatience, mood swings, irritability and even
Masturbation, for this lady at least, is wholly